Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lila's arrival

The collection

Today's the day when my Azone duo became a trio! Okay, the photo up there totally spoils who's the third girl xD I really like this box design and those adorable portraits.

The bunny girl

Here is Lila, Classic Alice Tick Tock Rabbit Himeno (Straight Smile Version) <3 Whew, Azone dolls have long names xD;

The bunny girl II

The quality of her dress is just superb. All those tiny pintucks ;3; Even though this outfit isn't maybe exactly anyone's style here, I'm still keeping it. And that teeny-tiny clock necklace, awwww!

The bunny girl III

I really like her expression, even if it may be bit blank. Her character is an eccentric mori girl who lives under a fir tree and speaks with metaphors and riddles, so it suits her very well. Let's say her character's greatest inspiration was the anime Paranoia Agent, so uhm, yep. Works.

Heya, cousin

Shiri: "Heya there. Cute outfit. I'll take it."
Lila: "Three brown mice ate all the seeds."

Since they're from the same series, I thought Shiri and Lila might be cousins. And yep, they have bit of an odd relationship xD

Happy doll day here <3


  1. Haa, sinäkin sait pupusi kotiin :D Itsekin rakastuin täysin tuohon asuun, kaikki nuo yksityiskohdat <3 Azone tekee liian suloisia juttuja ;3;

    1. Kyllä, tullin sedät ja tädit laittoivat reippaasti typyn liikkeelle niin ehti just ennen pääsiäispyhiä. Se asu on kyllä ihan mielettömän hieno, vaikkei se ehkä just olekaan kenenkään täällä tyyliä niin pakko pitää se silti xD <3

  2. She's adorable, glad to see you got her home safely ^^ Lila is such a cute name choice~

    1. Thank you, luckily custom office took good care of her xD; Hopefully you'll get your soon too <3 She's so much prettier IRL than in photos!

  3. Aivan hirmu ihana pupu neiti ! Olen itse aivan rakastunut tähän tytsyyn vaikkei ehkä olekkaan tänne muuttamassa ^^ Mutta onnea silti pupusesta! ❤
    Ja muuten niin kauniit vaatteet ! AwA
    Tekisi niin mieli noita vaatteita :u: ~ ❤

    1. Hii, kiitos, kiitos, pupuneiti on ihana! <3

      Hohoo, meinasin linkata sulle tuon Ebay-myyjän jolta ostin Aikani, sillä oli tuota asusettiä erikseen listattuna, mutta äh, se pyytää siitä 90 euroa jolla saa melkein jo koko nuken Amiamilta ^^; Noh, jos tahtoo kurkata niin :) Se on kyllä tosi ihana setti kaikkine pupujuttuineen <3

  4. I don't know why - but I love the first picture of the gorgeous boxes all next to eachother. They look like such a lovely themed collection x3

    Your new girl is gorgeous - and I love Azone's tiny details on clothing and accessories!

    1. Thank you! Azone's stuff is great <3

      And yeah, I know - I'm almost tempted to get more releases from these series just to get a nice row of those boxes xD They have such a nice design.
